
Cornices - Decorative Elements for Every Building

Beautiful home decorations can be easily found these days and don't require as much time and effort as they once did. Our range includes various façade moldings that can be used for doors, windows, and other facade areas. For example, you can find a façade piece that can be mounted under the windowsill.

These elements can be painted with facade paints and thus customized. They are available in a variety of styles, allowing you to customize your building to your individual preferences. All our products are made of high-quality materials and are suitable for further work. No mounting bolts are required for installation, which many users will undoubtedly appreciate. All you need is attractive adhesives, which are also available on our website.

The installation of facade elements can be done independently, and the final result will last for years.

Gesmis - Decorative Elements for Every Building

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On weekdays:



from 8:00 to 21:00

from 9:00 to 20:00

from 10:00 to 19:00